ESIC Scheme 2024: How to Apply, Eligibility, Documents, Benefits

ESIC Scheme 2024: People work in the Indian sector, if something untoward happens to these people, then these people have to face a lot of problems in getting out of that untoward incident, Understand, the government started the Employees State Insurance Corporation, and under this scheme, people working in different sectors are insured.

Along with the insurance of the person, his family is also insured so that if any health crisis comes to the person, then he can come out of it easily, if you want to apply under the ESIC scheme, then you can make your place because today in this article, we will provide you information about all the important things related to the scheme, after reading this article, you will not have any question about it.

What is ESIC Scheme

If you want to take advantage of the ESIC Scheme, then you have to apply for it, only then you will be able to take advantage of it, but before that, you should know what this scheme is. So this scheme was made for people working in all fields,

so that if any health crisis comes upon that person or a person dies while working or a person gets injured, then his treatment can be done easily without the person and his family facing any problem. Keeping this in mind, this rule was made, so now the Department of Labor and Labor Welfare looks after it.

ESIC Scheme 2024 Overview

Post NameESIC Scheme 2024: How to Apply, Eligibility, Documents, Benefits
SchemeESIC Scheme
Launched ByIndia Government
Who Can Apply ALL INDIAN
EligiblityRead this Article
Insurance benefitYes
Financial assistance in case of leave due to accident56 week
How to Apply Read this Article
ESIC Scheme

ESIC Scheme Objective

The Government of India has a clear objective behind bringing this scheme. That objective is that if any person who works in any field faces any physical harm due to any reason, dies or gets injured, then his family should not face any economic problems, for this reason, the government started this scheme.

Benefits of ESIC Scheme

If you want to apply under this scheme, then you should be aware of all the benefits you get from the scheme.

Due to this scheme, no person will have to bear medical expenses if any accident happens to him while working, then under this scheme, if a person gets injured and then the treatment of the person will continue for as many days as well as the expenses of the leave of the person will also be borne under this scheme.

Under such a scheme, the person will be given a salary if he does not recover for so many days. Financial assistance will be given to the person according to the injury he suffers. If a person dies, then under this scheme, ₹15000 extra will be given for the last rites of the person. So many benefits are received on applying under this scheme.

Important Eligibility related to ESIC scheme

If you want to apply to the ESIC scheme then you should know about the important eligibility related to the scheme, if you ap in without knowing this, then you will have to face a lot of problems. See, some categories have been determined for the scheme,

if you work in this category, then you will easily get the benefit of the scheme, if you work in a hotel, a restaurant, a shop, in any road motor transport or you do work related to movie theatre Yash Cinema, not only this, if you do work related to newspaper or if you are in insurance business, apart from this,

you will be provided with the benefit in the work related to Airport Authority, if you do work related to warehouse, then also you will get the benefit of the scheme if more than 10 people work in a private institute if you work in any medical and education institute where most of the people work, then also you will get its benefit, then you will easily get its benefit.

Documents required to Apply for ESIC scheme

If you want to avail the benefits of the scheme, then you will need the following documents to apply.

  • Registration certificate of the applicant.
  • List of all the persons working in the organization.
  • If working in partnership or under a company, then complete registration certificate of this case.
  • PAN card of the unit where you are working. PAN card of all the employees.
  • Employee compensation details. A register in which the attendance report of all the employees is kept.
  • Cancelled cheque from the company’s bank account. List of shareholders of the company and the persons giving direction to the company.
  • Send all these documents which you will need if you apply under the scheme.

How to register in ESIC scheme as a businessman

  • If you are a businessman and want to register under it, then first of all you have to submit Form 1.
  • After submitting the form, within 15 days you will get a 17-digit unique identification number.
  • With the help of this special number, your employee will be registered.

In this way, you can register your own firm or business under the ESIC scheme and start providing the benefits of the scheme to your employees.

How to register an employee in the ESIC scheme

  • If you are working in a private company, then you have to fill out a form there.
  • This form contains a photo of you and all the members of your family.
  • You have to provide all these to the company, and then within 3 months,
  • the employees are provided with a photo ID card along with an insurance number.
  • If the employee leaves the company, then when the employee goes to work in another company, this insurance is transferred there.

One thing you have to keep in mind is that there is never an online application for this, its application will be done by your company only, the company in which you are working.


Before reading this article, you must have a lot of questions about the scheme, but after reading the article, you must have got the answer to all your strong questions, we hope that the wish with which you came to read this article, that desire and your need will have been fulfilled, if you still have any other questions about this, then you can take advice from us without any problem.

Faq About ESIC Scheme 2024

What benefits will be received from ESIC scheme

If any hhealth-relatedproblem arises for you or your family, then you can get it treated through this.

What documents will be required to apply for ESIC scheme?

To know about this please read the article

Who will get the benefit of ESIC scheme?

All employees of India will benefit from this scheme

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